Лаурель Эсти Лаудер

Dogs in Pedigree

Photogallery of Omar

Photogallery of Bahar


Makhdi il Nazir - The grandfather

Leon - The grandfather

бабка Gella el Bark - the granmother

Neiriz - the grandmother

David el Bark - The great-grandfather

Zamburak el Bark - The great-grandfather

Ali-Khan al Afghani - The great-grandfather

Irbis - The great-grandfather

Ilia Abu - The great-grandmother

Izabel Abu - The great-grandmother

Guldara el Bark - The great-grandmother

Rad-o-Bark The great-great-grandfather

Sim-Aisha Abrek Zade al Apghani - The great-great-grandmother

Simona_Gloriya - The great-great-grandmother


Hosted by uCoz